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Cables con una llama de fuego

El cableado eléctrico desprende gases y puede llegar a alcanzar altas temperaturas. Source: Shutterstock

What is it and how to ensure fire protection?

The summer season is marked by the proliferation of forest fires, especially virulent in Spain during recent months. However, in industrial, commercial and residential buildings this risk has no date in the calendar, it is an inherent danger to electricity that both manufacturers and distributors of electrical equipment must take into account.

71% of all fires occur in homes, 13% in common areas neighborhood enclosures, 10% in premises and shops and only 5% in industries, according to the company Netatmo. However, translating the latent risk into material cost, the latter sector turns out to be the most affected, with losses of 9,500 euros on average.

Despite being properly distributed and even divided into sections, the electrical cables give off gases and can reach high temperatures, factors that make the wiring a system sensitive to spontaneous fire generation. To prevent both human and material damage, the well-known passive fire protection is put in place.

Benefits of installing proper fire protection

  • Minimizing the risk of fire spread
  • Provision of escape routes and basic electrical operation
  • Material and human protection

On the other hand, in certain structures it is necessary to guarantee the electrical continuity to facilitate the warning and the evacuation of the building. Optimal line protection ensures that the alarm system and the basic power supply remain in operation, ensuring the availability of escape routes. This requirement is especially necessary in public places or tunnels, an area in which PUK Portacables is a specialist.

Depending on the structural characteristics of the installation and the activity it hosts, the most appropriate type of fire protection system shall be determined. For example, a regular dwelling in a new residential block does not require the same protective reinforcement as an industrial warehouse dedicated to the chemical industry, where the danger is potentially greater. Within a wide range of possibilities, the professionals of PUK Portacables will listen to your case and suggest different proposals of work in a personalized way, guaranteeing quality products under German seal, guaranteed by the regulation DIN 4102-12.

This is DIN 4102-12 standard

The German standard DIN 4102-12, developed by the German Institute for Standardization (DIN), refers to the "fire behaviour of building elements and materials". This is the flame resistance of the entire electrical cable system, ensuring the integrity of the circuit. The result results in four classes: non-combustibility, flammability, normal flammability and easily flammable.

According to the regulations, the complete system of cable carriers is considered suitable after being tested in an oven of minimum 3 meters in length for 30-90 minutes with a temperature of up to 1,000 °C. In the quality seal that results from this test, "E" refers to the "circuit integrity", accompanied by the number "30-90", which represents the duration in minutes. Depending on the results obtained, the final classification includes:

  • Incombustibility: A1 and A2
  • Flame retardancy: B1
  • Normal flammability: B2
  • Highly flammable: B3

Types of trays in fire protection

As for its location, cable laying can be anchored to both the wall and the ceiling, depending on the characteristics and use of the space. An example of this is the emergency exits, where the arrangement must be adapted with load-bearing construction systems.

It is vital to clarify that all the accessories that make up this system must be equally fire resistant and have passed the aforementioned tests. We talk about fasteners and fasteners, nuts, screws, medium and heavy supports, washers, profiles, rods, sleeves and mortars.

In addition to the curves, shunts, central and lateral connections that give the installation and cable carriers systems great versatility by multiplying the distribution options, in PUK Cable Carriers there are three types of trays for fire protection:

  • Ladder trays
  • Perforated and blind trays
  • Assembly of single cable, rails and downspouts

An example of an ideal tray for wiring that needs ventilation as well as fire protection is the RGS 60 tray. Valid to control the internal temperature generated by the cables, especially those high voltage systems. Manufactured by default in hot dip galvanized steel, it has a high tolerance to weight despite being perforated and a height that starts at 60 millimeters. In addition, it has been designed to fit perfectly into the lid, with longitudinal and transverse inlays that reduce deflection.

Here you can access the complete catalog of products available for fire protection, where you will find all the necessary parts to configure your cable carrier system with safety and fire resistance guaranteed under German standard.

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