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The keys to networking in the electrical equipment industry

The unstoppable rise of LinkedIn is further proof of the importance of networking.

Before we dive into the world of networking, we must ensure that we offer a quality product or service. This may seem like an obvious step, but it is important to put it first. Attending a networking session or event implies coming with a product that has been outlined to the maximum: design and conceptualization, objectives, certifications, FAQs and, of course, that its functions and qualities are scrupulously in line with what the commercial line advocates.

Behind the exhibition of a product there must be a line of research that covers all the questions that may arise for the end customer. And, as a common thread, there must be an appropriate storytelling: eye-catching, simple and easy to remember.

Entering the networking wheel in the electrical equipment sector can have a very positive impact on any company:

  1. Market research. Taking the pulse of the electrical equipment sector, as in any other area of the economy, is the basis for anticipating events. Competitors, suppliers, customers, global trends, possible crises, state of the art in terms of components and raw materials... All data matters when it comes to networking, as well as its subsequent assimilation. Therefore, company representatives should acquire as much information as possible during trade fairs and events.
  2. Show presence. It is common to think that whoever is not in networks does not exist, but limiting this statement to digital representation is a serious mistake. Attending events and fairs is a practical, direct and agile way to present a company's values and strengths.
  3. Creating connections. This is probably the main reason for many companies, but not exclusively. In addition to the other benefits, new business relationships are established: customers, suppliers and potential synergies often arise from this type of event. In addition, being a broad sector full of different types of products and services, the contacts established at a networking event can lead to fruitful plans, such as a future project in which various types of solutions are required. It is important to remember that this is not a brief customer journey, but contacts that must be taken care of and convened at the right time, once the suitability of both parties and their objectives are known.
  4. Generate cross-traffic. Derived from the previous point, these connections do not have to end with the offline event itself. A good way to progress as a company and find opportunities is to add followers in the networks of the company's official website, taking advantage of a first face-to-face contact.
  5. An added value for the customer. After a trade show or event is a great time to post on social networks or send a newsletter to the company's database, summarizing impressions and contributions, while demonstrating the company's values. It is one of the most powerful tools for communicating corporate know-how.
  6. Finding peers. For start-up companies, it is especially necessary to find associations or organizations in the electrical equipment sector to help position the company. This helps to improve your image while at the same time making the company up-to-date, well-connected and present.

A trade fair or networking event in the electrical equipment sector is a good time to thank each of the people who are interested in the product or service offered by the company, and to sharpen the five senses so as not to miss the opportunities that may arise.

PUK Portacables has accumulated experience in events of great importance in the electrical material and electricity industries. Examples of this are the Genera and MATELEC fairs, both held at IFEMA Madrid, and in which we have participated this 2022. Thanks to these experiences, we were able to provide knowledge to other companies in the sector, share impressions and appreciate the large doses of innovation present there.

If there is a tool to make an automatic x-ray of a particular sector, it is precisely the events and fairs that lead to a healthy and productive networking.

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