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Interview with Daniel Redondo, general manager of PUK Portacables, in El Mundo.

PUK Portacables shows the world its key role in the electrical industry

This week we have appeared in one of the most important media of our country, the newspaper El Mundo, where we have had the opportunity to talk about our products and solutions adapted to different sectors.

In an interview granted to the media by Daniel Redondo, general manager of PUK Portacables, he explained how the market has evolved in the last three decades, since PUK opened its headquarters in Spain, and how the company has adapted to internal and industry changes.

He also highlighted PUK Portacables' fundamental work in the sustainable development of alternative energies, such as photovoltaic systems, which are increasingly necessary and currently booming.

Discover all the details about the past, present and future of PUK Portacables in the interview below.

El Mundo: We flip the switch and the light comes on. At most we think of the cable that brings us the current, but it doesn't come alone, does it?

Daniel Redondo: A very important aspect of any electrical installation is to ensure reliability, safety and good maintenance. PUK's cable management systems are simple devices suitable for a multitude of scenarios that guarantee the fastening of wiring, both indoors and outdoors. In addition, they ensure the integrity of the wires, whatever their type (electricity, data cables, alarm systems...); they guide the wiring in different directions, organizing their distribution; they protect from inclement weather conditions, such as the temperatures to which the wiring will be exposed or the humidity of the environment; they provide safety for both operators and users, avoiding short circuits; and they facilitate the installation of the wiring, as well as its subsequent maintenance thanks to the ability to correctly classify and divide the wires they contain.


You started in the early 90's, how has your evolution been since then?

PUK Portacables started in Spain in 1992 by the hand of Francisco Redondo, founder of the company, therefore, 30 years ago. However, our parent company, of German origin, started more than 50 years ago. Of course, things have changed a lot and the company has been adapting to the new times, but we remain faithful to what differentiates us from other companies in the sector: developing tailor-made solutions, especially for each of our customers, adapted exactly to their needs. Proximity, together with product quality, is our hallmark.


Has the market also changed?

Undoubtedly. Today's highly automated and robotized industry requires solutions that ensure the safe implementation of electrical structures. In this area, cable tray solutions are simply indispensable. We have also seen the emergence of alternative energies, such as photovoltaic systems. Wiring is an unseen element, and so it should be, but without it, this industry could not exist. We are proud to think that we are a necessary ally of sustainable development. And of course there are new solutions, more complex formats, increasingly efficient materials... It is a constant 'war' of continuous improvement, in which we can say that we are at the forefront, with products of the highest quality, with PUK's German Made seal.


What are the main products and solutions you commercialize?

Our cable trays provide a high degree of durability and adjustment to the characteristics of each project, offering solutions for different sectors: industrial buildings, construction technology, tunnels, fire protection, solar energy or ceilings and supports of all kinds, among others. Depending on each sector and its specific needs, we have different types of cable support systems, including cable trays. We have grid trays, perforated and blind trays, ladder trays and self-supporting systems. Large span self-supporting trays are one of our most acclaimed and innovative products, as they are capable of joining up to 10 meters with a single piece.


You are currently in full growth, what does it entail and how far will it take you?

That's right. In fact, we are looking for new staff to expand our services to the whole peninsula. We have the great responsibility to continue with a successful project. We are a family business and our father, Francisco Redondo, was the driving force behind a project that achieved great business achievements and a very high level of satisfaction. Our challenge is, and will be in the upcoming years, to continue his work while remaining faithful to the values of the company: commitment to quality, proximity to the customer and honesty in our approaches.


You can read the full article here.

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